At the beginning of 2023, using DALL-E 2, I created a series of photographs depicting the faces of two individuals. I instructed the AI to explore and interpret the potential dynamics of their relationship. My goal was to understand how AI perceives us—to see ourselves reflected through a non-human entity, if that’s even possible. I was struck by the authenticity of these faces and the palpable interaction that emerged between them. I titled this collection: RELATIONSHIP SHORT STORIES.
Later, I asked the AI to replace one of the two subjects with a robot. I envisioned a possible relationship between the remaining human subject, always a woman, and the robot. I specified that while the connection between them could be emotional, it would be based on a "mental" understanding that only the robot could provide. It would adapt entirely to the woman’s personality, forming a mental bond so powerful that it compensated for any lack of physical connection. I asked the AI to delve into this kind of relationship as well. This collection was titled: ROBOT SHORT STORIES.
I set both projects aside for about a year and a half before revisiting them. By then, I had started experimenting with AI software applied to video. The images evolved into short videos, where the interpretation of the relationships between the subjects became even more evident. The photos transformed into minimal stories of emotional situations. The "AI video" interpreted the "AI photo" in a mesmerizing game of mirrors that fascinated and surprised me. This led me to decide to release the two works.